By using the right nutrition and exercise working together to get results.
” To look your best focus on reducing your body fat.” “The key to losing body fat is to encourage your body to gain more lean muscle.” Samantha Clayton, PT, Former Competitive Sprinter and Track Coach.
Many people don’t get adequate protein in their diet, or of they do it comes with extra calories. Protein is essential in gaining lean muscle together with exercise. Increase your lean muscle you will burn more calories.
Exercise at an intensity level of 6 or 7 out of 10 will prompt your body to burn fat as a fuel source, which is why the metabolic workouts of Phase 1 of the 24 Fit program start with low intensive exercises. Then there is a progression in intensity, through Phase 2 and 3. This way you teach your body to burn fat.
On alternate days complete the strength training workouts to help build and tone the muscles.