How To Avoid Losing Muscle Mass?

What is the most common reaction when people go on a diet to lose weight?

They eat less, depriving their body of good essential nutrients. What happens next? The body receives less nutrition and less nutrients and as a result they start losing their muscular mass. In other words muscles become the source of nutritional reserves for their body. When people stop their dieting they go back to eating as before but they have less muscle mass which is precisely what they need to help burn calories.


Why is the Herbalife programme different?

This programme is different because it actually feeds the body correctly, it does not starve it. The reason most people become overweight is due to nutritional deficiencies. When you don’t feed the body correctly it craves more food than it actually needs; it craves sugar and fat. People often give up on diets or “cheat” because they can’t stand the hunger pangs. It becomes too hard.

Why step up your Strength Training as you age?

“By your mid-30s, most people still look young, but are already experiencing the BIG Three of aging: deteriorating lean muscle mass, worsening posture, and crumbling joints” say Robert Forster, Physical Therapist and PT.

Many people say that, as they age, they eat and exercise the same amount but still gain weight. One of the main causes of this is loss of muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn. Strength training preserves and even increases muscle mass, keeping metabolism at a high level. Hit a weight plateau? Step up your strength training, that is 3 times a weeks with the 24Fit Workout. Thats a 30 minute workout easy to fit into your busy day. It builds muscle & increases your metabolic rate. Thats 24 weeks, 3 phases of 8 weeks, teaching your body through the phases on how to burn fat instead of carbs. The 24 Fit program was developed by Robert Forster who has spent 30 years, teaching athletes and weight management clients how to burn fat as a fuel supply.


New Years Resolutions 2014

Help with your News Years Resolutions List?  Get into the habit of strength training at home, 3 times a week for 30 mins per session using dumbbells & resistance bands.

“By Your mid-30s, most people still look young, but are already experiencing the BIG Three of aging: deteriorating lean muscle mass, worsening posture, and crumbling joints” say Robert Forster, Physical Therapist, PT and developer of the
24Fit Workout . His practice in Santa Monica is the unofficial meeting hall for broken -down runners, triathletes, advernture racers and gym rats!

“Age related decline hits sooner than you think”

To help preserve muscle mass, step up your strength training and aim for at least 20 grams of protein at very meal.

More details


How Can I Lose Body Fat?

By using the right nutrition and exercise working together to get results.

” To look your best focus on reducing your body fat.” “The key to losing body fat is to encourage your body to gain more lean muscle.” Samantha Clayton, PT, Former Competitive Sprinter and Track Coach.

Many people don’t get adequate protein in their diet, or of they do it comes with extra calories. Protein is essential in gaining lean muscle together with exercise. Increase your lean muscle you will burn more calories.

Exercise at an intensity level of 6 or 7 out of 10 will prompt your body to burn fat as a fuel source, which is why the metabolic workouts of Phase 1 of the 24 Fit program start with low intensive exercises. Then there is a progression in intensity, through Phase 2 and 3. This way you teach your body to burn fat.

On alternate days complete the strength training workouts to help build and tone the muscles.

More info on the 24 Fit DVDs

Workout Meals

Workout MealsWhile many fitness enthusiasts  go through a bit of trial-and-error with their meal planning until they come up with a plan that works for them, there are a few key points that all those that workout should keep in mind when trying to match their workout meals and snacks to their activity.

Carbohydrates are primarily what the body relies on for energy. The body needs a fairly steady source from the diet, since there’s only so much carbohydrate the body can store – in the form of glycogen – in the muscles and the liver.

It’s important to ‘top off the tank’ with some carbohydrate before an athletic event.  In choosing what to eat, all fitness enthusiasts need to consider how much time they have to digest before they start their workout.

  • Foods high in fibre and fat delay digestion and may increase the risk of stomach discomfort during exercise, so save them for after your workout.
  • Light or liquid meals digest more quickly than solid  food which generally requires a longer amount of time to be digested and absorbed .e.g. conusme a carton of yogurt or meal replacement drink.
  • During continuous activity that lasts longer than an hour, you need to keep the carbohydrate coming in. Specially designed workout drinks are ideal for this purpose, since they provide fluid and salts as well as the right amount of carbohydrate to keep muscles well fueled; some also provide small amounts of protein that help with muscle recovery.
  • Post-exercise, you must consume plenty of carbohydrate to replenish the stores in their liver and muscles.  Ideally, you should try to eat within 30 minutes or so after your’e event or workout is over.  Fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans and dairy products are all terrific recovery foods. This is the time to load back up on the higher fiber carbs since digestion time is no longer a concern.
  • Whey and casein – proteins derived from dairy products – are also needed after exercise to help promote muscle recovery.  A protein smoothie made with milk and fruit,  a sandwich on wholegrain bread with a glass of milk, or some yogurt with a piece of fruit are all excellent post-exercise meal ideas.

Your at-a-glance what to eat and when guide for superior workouts

More than 3 hours to your event?

If you’re planning ahead, then eat a regular, balanced meal no less than 3 hours before your event.

Between 1 and 3 hours to start time?

If you have only an hour or two before your event, then enjoy a lighter, solid meal, maybe some cottage cheese and toast, or a bowl of low fibre cereal or take a Formula 1 Shake with fruit.

Less than 1 hour until you compete?

For athletes who have only an hour or less to digest before an event, choose something that will be easy on your stomach such as a smoothie or a yogurt or a  Formula 1 Sport Shake made in water.

During the event?

Keep topping up – use a specific sports hydration drink.

After the workout?

Post-exercise, the body is ready to take up plenty of carbohydrate to replenish the stores in the liver and muscles. Ideally, those doing workouts should try to eat within 30 minutes or so after the event is over.   Recovery is two-fold, and requires carbohydrate for replacing glycogen stores as well as protein for rebuilding damaged muscle. Consume a recovery smoothie.

Nutrients are as important as carboydrates and protein.

“Science shows that proper nutrition at the cellular level is at least as important to both health and athletic performance as strength training, cardiovascular training, and recovery time. In fact, it’s the foundation for everything else. When you’ve trained as hard as you can, supplementing your diet with nutrients designed specifically to boost muscle growth, recovery, circulation, energy efficiency, and resilience of muscle fibers and connective tissue make all the difference “. Dr. Andrew Myers

Herbalife have a range of meal replacement drinks: Formula 1 , Formula 1 Sport, Formula “Free From” Gluten and Lactose, and hydration supplements and recovery shakes.

Future Fortified & Herbalife World Football Challenge = improved nutrition for millions

Before you put on your soccer jersey, or lace up your cleats, every game starts with good nutrition.
Success starts in the first days of life, yet 1 in 3 childhood deaths is due to poor nutrition. We have one goal, improve nutrition for millions or mothers and children.
Send a tweet with #WFCFortified during the#HWFC ( World Football Challenge)  and Herbalife will donate $1 to Future Fortified.
Join us because together we can fortify the future
