Physical Therapist to Gold Medalists

Dr. Bruce Hensel interviews Physical Therapist Robert Forster about training and rehabilitating Olympic stars Kim Rhode and Allyson Felix. This video was shot before they both won gold in London.

Robert Forster, CEO & Founder of Phase IV and Forster Physical Therapy has teamed with Herbalife to create a fitness program called Herbalife 24Fit

Tired of encountering ill-advised training programs that only cause more injury, Robert created a new approach to physical therapy, which is divided into phases that follow the body’s natural healing and growth patterns. His experience working with  athletes, both recreational and elite is now available on a set of 13 DVDs.

Herbalife 24Fit DVD Program

Robert Forster, CEO & Founder of Phase IV and Forster Physical Therapy has teamed with Herbalife to create a fitness program using the very science that has made Robert so successful. See a preview on the Herbalife 24 Fit Workout/Fitness Program.

Physical Therapist to Gold Medalists – Robert Forster, Physical Therapist to Olympic stars Kim Rhode & Allyson Felix.

Transform Your Body Into A Fat Burning Machine – Roberts principles on burning fat, shown in this video.

